Chip Folk

What: “Chip Folk” by various artists

Netlabel: 56KBPS Records

56KBPS is a netlabel from Mexico, promoting chiptunes (that is, music made with sound chips from old computers and game consoles). I previously wrote about chiptunes in a reggae context (hello Natty Droid!) but this compilation offers something a different.

“Chip Folk” offers eleven tracks of Mexican folk songs and rhythms while still adhering to the familiar chiptune characteristics and sounds. The motivation, as described by the label, is “the need of returning to oneself’s roots…” Fans of Mexican music will find a lot familiar tunes here, but many offer unique twists from the individual artists. Some songs are more straight-ahead version, while others more generally hint at their source material.

The netlabel is run by artists Atoms or Faeries and Chema64, both of whom have tracks here. In fact, Atoms or Faeries has two and both are standout upbeat tracks – “Adoración al Sol” and “Xochipitzahuatl.” The rest of the songs cover a range of interpretations; you get everything from Anwar Sánchez’s “Guadalajara,” a very familiar song and excellent example of applying sound chips to this album’s concept, to “La Cumbia de Pustulio” by Eme7h, which is virtually techno with an industrial edge.

While this album was released in November 2013, 56KBPS started in 2009. You can listen to all the label music for free, but can also buy a limited edition cd of some of the releases for very reasonable prices. With my limited Spanish I’ll close with a “muy bueno” for their efforts and a “¡Viva cincuenta y seis!”