[NOTES: This review originally appeared on Netlabelism.com (#RIP) in June 2015. The album is now available directly from Antonio Raia’s Bandcamp page with an extra track added to the original release. I’ve also linked the Many Feet Under Homemade Label page for this record in the body of the review if you’re interested in the original version. Many Feet Under has lots of other great music and is now hosted on Bandcamp too…I guess things can change in 10 years…who knew?]
Jazz seems to be an underrepresented genre in the netlabel world, so I was excited to run across this release on the Many Feet Under website. While I would not exactly describe this this EP by Antonio Raia as traditional, straight ahead jazz, it certainly has some very strong jazz elements. “Stories of a Vain Diary” mixes experimental electronic elements with some free jazz blowing and fantastic drumming. It’s a heady mix.
When I use the term “free jazz” please don’t be alarmed. Some people are turned off by that description, thinking they will just hear chaotic noise that is more a test of stamina for the listener than an enjoyable piece of music. This music is far from that. Raia brings some subtlety to the production and playing, resulting in some really interesting tunes.
We start off with “Flux” (credited to Antonio Raia & Roy Cleveland) as its electronic wind sound and a heartbeat rhythm pull us in. As the noises build there are hints of some “no wave” sax and jazz drum in the mix. It builds and releases tension several times over its four-plus minutes.
“Rough Wind in Bondage” is the highlight track for me. This one is credited to Raia and Fabrizio Elvetico. The mood picks up where “Flux” left off, but quickly elevates to something more disorderly with a scream/shout vocal and that free jazz blowing I mentioned above. This piece is propelled by some powerful drumming, but the musicians never overpower each other. It sounds like Albert Ayler playing with 8 Bold Souls. And yes, it’s that good.
There’s a bit of a film noir feel to “Birth of Trumpet” (this time Raia & Eks). This is probably the most experimental of the tracks, with the jazz elements and the electronic elements providing equal contributions. In your headphones the drumming swings from side to side, adding color and odd rhythms.
The final cut is called “Sasha” and it’s the gentle comedown from the short trip we’ve been on. It begins almost like the sound of an orchestra tuning up, then slowly introduces individual elements into the song. It’s more about the individual noises than the mix. Clean sax plays gently, electronic waves roll, some more creepy sounds interject, all while treated sounds and vocals add some dashes of color.
This EP is released on the Many Feet Under Homemade Label, which is headquartered in Campania, Italy. While they have only been around a little over two years, I count over 70 releases on their site. They have has two sections on their website: MFU Concrete offers low-cost digital or physical CD options to some releases, while MFU Home Made Label offers free downloads. With their current pace of releases, they are worth frequent visits.
Released 27 April 2015
Music and project by: Antonio Raia
Sax: Antonio Raia // Nicola Rando // Giuseppe Vietri
Trumpet: Charles Ferris
Drums: Stefano Costanzo // Agostino Mennella
Electronics: Roy Cleveland // Fabrizio Elvetico // Eks
Piano: Piero De Asmundis