
What: “Modus” by hico

Netlabel: Totokoko

“Modus” is a five track EP by hico (a multi-instrumentalist from Osaka, Japan). If you are suffering through some winter doldrums, this music might be just what you need to turn things around.

The structure of these five songs are similar in that they all start with fairly simple statements and build with instruments added as each track rolls along. The songs are mostly driven by acoustic instruments (piano, banjo, guitar, etc.) and are subtly supplemented by electronics. Each tune seems to have a slightly different instrumental focus, but overall presents music that is pastoral and pleasing.

For me these tracks evoke a peaceful springtime morning. The first track, entitled “Banjo and Contrabass” includes a nice little pipe melody and the sounds of children playing to help cement that vibe. Overall the music is so darn pleasant it just puts calmness in your heart.

The third track is entitled “Fushigi.” Online translation resources translate that word as “a wonder”; that’s as good a description as any of this music.

The Totokoko label is located in Japan and is run by Yohei Kamei. Started in 2010, he describes it as a “music and art netlabel.” As you would expect there is a fair amount of music to enjoy, and while you are listening you can also check out the photos, drawing and paintings they have posted.