Oxford American: Old Reliable

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, the holidays, family, charity, good will toward men…all good. But I’m of course talking about the new issue of Oxford American magazine. OA puts out an annual music issue that includes a consistently great CD, which I eagerly anticipate every year. The magazine is also chock full o’ descriptions of the music and artists on the CD, as well as other music writings. It’s OK if you like that sort of thing…and I know you do!

The OA CD is always a great mix of roots, country, jazz, gospel, soul and other assorted oddities (which in the past have included anything from The Residents to Laurel & Hardy). They also do a good job of mixing well known artists with the truly obscure. The annual CD has introduced me to many artists I’ve explored further (hello Nellie Lutcher!).

Over the last few years OA decided to focus on the music of one state for each music issue. This year they chose Louisiana.

You would probably guess that a Louisiana-themed CD would include some zydeco, some creole French, and Dr. John…and you would be correct. You may know Professor Longhair and Kid Ory as well, who are also included, but will likely find some new favorites too. For me on this CD, it’s the rockin’ gospel of Rev. Utah Smith from the 50’s (seriously, this guy will blow you away), the funky Gaturs from the 70’s, and the song Hanging Johnny released in 2012 by The Valparaiso Men’s Chorus, which I think I may want played at my New Orleans funeral!

Get it while you can. If not at your local magazine seller, try here.