I was thoroughly enjoying the first couple songs on “The Blue Boar” by Lavatone; an album with four long-form pieces on Kalamine Records. “Monolith” and the title track are a great mix of ominous drones and tones with interesting dark noises dipping in and out – buzzing, machine rhythms, radio interference, and maybe even an airplane and some fuzzed guitar.
Then along came the third track called “Empty Room.” It opens with noise – what sounds like table saws and machines running off in the distance. Not sure where this room is but it doesn’t sound like pleasant things are going on. Then about half way through the track morphs into something a little bit more “peaceful” (at least temporarily) with metallic/echoing drones and a machine rhythm that somehow actually gives this whole piece a funky groove. This is a stellar industrial/noise track; a real standout.
Closer “Shelter in Place” comes on slower, with more drones over a bed of static and, for a while, a machine starts to come alive. But then, slowly, some pretty tones and washes are mixed in to gently wind down this entire album. It literally gave me chills it was so beautifully done and such a perfect conclusion.
You could say I liked this music, but it would be more accurate to say I was blown away.