“Tre’ Hesl Minc 50 Vol 1” by Colematics
Allegedly an odds and sods collection of songs that have previously been memorialized on vinyl, there’s lots to enjoy here for you fellow fans of all things Colematics, Eagleclaw, GLO, and related enigmas. These songs feature both the expected (movie samples, musical production weirdness, Hunter S. Thompson) and the more surprising but maybe it shouldn’t be surprising (valley girls, pig slaughter). It’s a good illustration of what’s happening over at Colematics INF. While Iblis Coleman they-self encourages the listener to “buy the records from our shop,” good luck navigating their wonderfully chaotic website to figure out where you might find them. You’ll probably find yourself lost and perplexed, but enjoy the surf. And, no, I have no idea what the meaning is of the title of this album.

“I, Buller” by Eagleclaw Ghost of Fulci – Broken off Monkey Arm –
Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if aliens took over the earth’s radio waves to try to communicate with us? Yeah, me too. Well, if you act right now, Colematics INF provides the answer. Welcome to “I, Buller” and its chaotic, confusing, caustic and, perhaps, cathartic expression of noise. It’s allegedly built on numerous samples, but there’s no way you would know that just by listening and you’d never identify them in a million years, so just sink in and enjoy.
The title track is followed by the brief reimagining of an actual commercial for some farm equipment. The EGF/BOMA conflation uses the distorted voice of the pitchman mixed with the noise of his machinery being used in ways the original manufacturer could never have imagined. It’s an absurd mix, but that’s the point of this kind of art.

“Gemini Vs The Daleks on Skarosowa” by Gemini Lounge Orchestra
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today. On our agenda includes a confession, an observation, and an analysis. Sorry, but I’ll have no time for questions at the end.
Confession: I’ve never seen Doctor Who. I’m aware of it only because every few years it seems there is a new person hired to play Doctor Who, which pushes the show into the headlines, usually because a bunch of nerds are complaining about the new person. I feel like there may be a phone booth involved too, but I’m not positive about that.
Observation: I’m posting this review on my Eagleclaw Ghost of Fulci page because they are at least part of Gemini Lounge Orchestra, and their messy fingerprints are all over this thing…right down to the Colematics. They are definitely up to something here. It may or may not be related to Doctor Who.
Analysis: In the olden days, movies were silent and there were sometimes musicians performing a live soundtrack in the theater; this music reminds me of a modern version of that. It may include some Doctor Who samples (maybe? see the Confession above) that are mixed live with some electronic instruments and laptop manipulation. Instead of a movie theater, I picture GLO sitting in a living room creating a live soundtrack in front of a TV. It all results in a nice, somewhat low-key soundscape that at any given time may sound creepy, sinister, and/or calm.
Thanks for your attention. Meeting adjourned.

“Demon Chimp Ate Her Face Off”
One of the things I always loved about Mark E. Smith (and I think many fans of The Fall would agree) was the strange world of language and references he created. Some you could figure out, some will probably forever remain a mystery. Now that I’ve spent even more time with Eagleclaw Ghost of Fulci I’ve concluded they are on a Mark E. Smith trip to about the eleventh power. Doctorate dissertations will perhaps be written about this someday.
The noise on the release consists mostly of constantly distorted sine waves and vocal samples that are mostly indecipherable. That’s probably predictable with song titles like “PtII Demon Hideous” and “ECII PartIIIT,” right? While it’s broken into eight tracks, when you listen (and you WILL listen) it will sound like one long song. This particular release was clearly inspired by the terrible chimpanzee attack that was in the news back in the early 2000’s, the hideous details of which I don’t care to recount here. Unless it’s not about that at all; after listening to this I don’t know what I know any more.
Somehow I suspect Colematics INF are the key to everything. I fear what might happen if I get too close to cracking the code; if I disappear please notify Desilu Productions.

“A Bit Like Hillage” (as Eagle Claw Ghost)
Oh yes, another Eagleclaw Ghost of Fulci release right on the heels of “Cross Dressing Man…” Spoiler alert: It does NOT sound like Hillage; go buy a Gong album if that’s what you’re looking for, but this is the good stuff.
The first track of the three here (“Date Palm Sap Cyclo”) is a bit over ten minutes long and sounds like a recording of a crowded restaurant in another dimension; go listen and tell me I’m wrong. The notes say it was inspired by “playing” Doom, but they don’t clarify if that means the video game, the rapper, or the genre of metal. All seem plausible to me.
For the last two tracks there’s a suggestion that some of the sound is lifted from porn, but it’s so collaged and mangled that it’s difficult to say for sure. Let’s call it NSFW (Noise Safe for Work). The third track is the exact same length as the second and sounds very similar. Maybe it is the same. Who knows. Who cares. Like so much of what I’m discovering about Eagleclaw, everything makes sense and doesn’t at the same time.

“Cross Dressing Man in Bra and Panties and High on Bath Salts Kills Neighbour’s Pygmy Goat”
This is a descent into madness
This is a cogent commentary on media sensationalism
It includes both harsh noise and musique concrète
It includes both askew lighthearted music and TV samples
Hunter S. Thompson is an inspiration
Hunter S. Thompson often sounds demented
This is gonzo journalism
This is gonzo music
A troubling representation of Florida Man
A troubling critique of a drug panic
Allow this music to pull you into its intriguing world
Allow this music to pull you into its confusing world
Death to the weird
Long live the weird
This is a layered mess that makes perfect sense
This is a descent into madness