“Live at The Living Theater” by Steve Mackay and the Blue Prostitutes

If you’re any kind of music fan you know Steve Mackay, even if you don’t know his name. He’s best known for playing sax with The Stooges (and, hey, “Funhouse” was released 50 years ago yesterday!), but has also played with many others, including a couple personal favorites – Violent Femmes and Snakefinger.
This album is a live jazz recording that at times swings with a cool groove (“Song for Baghdad”), at times is more freeform (“I Try Not to Think of Elephants”), and will sometimes feel familiar (a cover of the aforementioned “Funhouse”). And closer “Improv” incorporates all three of those elements as it quotes liberally from “On Broadway.” The band seems relaxed and in control throughout, resulting in a stellar performance.