It’s been a while (too long?) since I featured a Dubophonic record. They are a favorite reggae label for me because they consistently release high quality music. And, while people often think reggae = Jamaica, I also like the fact that Dubophonic seems to draw and link talented musicians from all over the world who love reggae and dub. “Way to Zion I” is no exception, pairing Dub Cmd (from the UK via Poland) and Sister Maki (Japan). And they hit on that first point too: it’s good.
This five track outing offers three original songs, plus two versions. The one “non-versioned” track is called “Moonlight” and both the vocals and production create a really nice, subtle dreamlike quality to the song. There are also fine touches on the two other main tracks. “Jah Meditation” offers some cool interplay between Sister Maki’s vocals over the organ and melodica, while “Stay with Me” features some really nice organ moments.
Essentially this seems to be half an album, as a “Way To Zion II” is apparently to be released later in the year. But don’t wait; whet your appetite now.