Dismembered Sound Booth – “Extinction Party!”

It could be argued that if you’re not angry these days, you’re not paying attention. Dismembered Sound Booth is paying attention, and they are pissed (US definition). While their new album “Extinction Party!” includes moments of dark humor, beauty, sarcasm and silliness, there’s also a clear vein of…well…let’s call it displeasure. What I liked about DSb on their first album (the amazing “All Are Friends Our Dead”) was the variety of musical styles and the sheer volume of great material. Well, this creative group (Michael West, Natalie Simpson, Mark Rathmell, Giles Hearn and Brian Coleman) have done it again.

On “Extinction Party!” DSb sets out their stall with opener “The Fucked Show;” a mostly spoken word piece over an ambient music bed which grows more beat oriented and intense as the track goes on. And from there we’re off on an adventure that includes everything from rock to dream pop to industrial to experimental…and even some old school disco. While there’s a lot to dig into (and you should, dig?), I’ll mention a few highlights – “Murder Machine” which starts out with simple electric guitar strum seemingly headed toward the 60’s before morphing into full on disco (complete with strings) – “Changes” which brings to mind “Micro-Phonies” era Cabaret Voltaire – the propulsive guitar and drums of “I Don’t Take No Shit” featuring Gary Clail of On-U-Sound fame – and song of the summer candidate “She’s Gone Normal.” Do the extinction!