It Exists!: “Little Bit“ by Moral Majority Dance Band

Have you ever had an unconfirmed memory of something knocking around your skull for so long you start to wonder if it’s just some sort of made-up thing that your clever brain planted? Well, the Moral Majority Dance Band was one of those things for me. Occasionally MMDB would pop up out from one of my temporal lobes; I’d do a little research, and find nothing. Nothing. And this is on the Internet, where I was assured you can find anything. And then the memory would wash away for a year or two. Rinse, repeat.

Well, a few days after this past Christmas I received a present. The hero of this story is someone named Frantic Romantic who posted “Little Bit” on YouTube and, for once in my life, the accuracy of my memory was confirmed. The song is an elating blast of early 80’s punk. And like all good punk rock, it’s stoopid, political, funny, perceptive and, most importantly, it rocks. Feast your ears on its glory:

After all those years, I now know (1) the band existed and (2) they were from New York. Other than that, I got nothin’. But at least I have the song now…and a small piece of my sanity.