“Origins Reflection” by Tim Six

This is an ambient journey led by Tim Six that invites you to travel for an hour, a day, or eternity.

The hour: OK, actually it’s a bit under an hour running time, but I’m rounding up. The facts are that this is a lovely ambient album created by Tim Six on vintage synths, which gives it a little bit if a 1970’s vibe. He also uses some field recordings made in his Crimean homeland. His love for the nature and the place of his origins comes through in the music.

The day: There are four songs (“Dawning,” “Noontime Vibes,” “Evening Petrichor,” and “Stargazing Night”) that, as you can see from the titles, take you on a trip through a metaphorical day. You’ll hear nature sounds mixed with waves of drones, light melodies, and gentle percussion, creating the feel of the time of day indicated. This may be especially true on “Evening Petrichor” which starts with rain but takes us through the brief storm to the reemergence of clear skies. You can almost smell the fresh post-rain air by the end.

Eternity: You can also let your mind get carried away by the music and appreciate both the amazing things created by nature and the infinity of expanding universe. For me this was really brought home by the final track which starts off somewhat earthbound (barking dogs in the intro) but adds gentle drones and spacey sounds, and builds a feel of majesty and the infinite.

Whether you want to journey internally or outside yourself, you’ll find space in “Origins Reflection.” It’s available on Virtual Dream Plaza and, at the time of this writing, there are still a few limited edition cassette copies available.