“SST” by Phoenix Brown

Let me start by saying any time Phoenix Brown appears in my Twitter timeline it improves my day. His “Hank” obsession is endearing. Or is that troubling? No, let’s go with endearing. Little did I know that there was such a massive talent behind that tweeting madness. After listening to this album, I think it cannot be argued that he’s the “Undisputed SST Records Plunderphonics Champion of the World.” Well, that’s self-proclaimed, but I guess it doesn’t make it any less true.

If you’re a fan of plunderphonics and punk rock this one is a no brainer. Seriously, there are lots of great mixes here. And it’s not just Hank. You might hear other things like that little band from Pedro, or that three-piece from Minnesota. Who’s to say? Not me. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

My one complaint is that the write up on the Bandcamp has a sickening number of Black Flag references. However, don’t let that leave you thirsty and miserable; you can rise above that, grab a six pack and get wasted with “SST.” I think you’ll see what I see. Just no drinking and driving please and thank you.