Memo From Colematics: “Ritual Music of the Gemini” by GLO and “Morte A Existência Volume 2” by Existência com Gosto de Nada + Colematics

When the good folks at Colematics issue a missive, we must pay attention. In his case, an interoffice memo from Enghis Von Sharklor has leaked that alerted me to some new products that have been unleashed.

The more recent of the two is “Morte A Existência Volume 2,” a collaboration between Existência com Gosto de Nada and Colematics. Feedback, indecipherable samples, layers of loud muck…this is glorious harsh noise. Don’t worry about the “Volume” song titles as there is no obvious logic to us mere mortals. You’ll find this release on The Church of Noisy Goat Bandcamp page; ironically, there are no goats evident anywhere on “Morte A Existência,” however…

“Ritual Music of the Gemini” by GLO can be found on Plataforma Recs. [GLO is how the Illuminati refer to the Gemini Lounge Orchestra, but you didn’t hear it from me.] This music is related to the Codices of the Hellbook of Colematics; I’m sure you recall studying the Codices in school. The Rituals being performed are layers of sound that, while somewhat noisy, are not nearly as harsh as displayed on “Morte A Existência.” There are samples that include (allegedly) Aleister Crowley plus various snippets from movies that you probably don’t want to watch alone late at night or with children in the area. There also seem to be lots of percussion instruments being used, with virtually no attempt at a coherent rhythm line. As for those goats, the track “Phase ll” may include the sound of one, but I don’t want to dig too deep for fear of what could be unleashed.

You can find some related explorations of mine on this page where I discuss various other enigmatic releases from the Colematics organization that have been issued by the wonderful MuteAnt Sounds Netlabel. Rather than these two fine recent releases clarifying anything, the mystery of Colematics (perhaps inevitably) just continues to deepen. But don’t miss out; I believe all will be revealed someday to those paying attention.